1 .FOR Series 16/l 8-B/C. Series 16i/l8i-A
The NC parameters related to the Data Server fucntions are
the follows.
I/O CHANNEL : Selection of input/output devices
[Data Format] Byte Type
5 (Select the Data Server to the input/output device)
, ogoo , 67 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #o
[Data Format] Bit Type
NODSV The Data Server functions are
1: unavailable.
0: available.
the substitutional letter
(Group 1)
[Data Format] Word Type
ASCII code (decimal number)
11 1
the letter that can’t be inputted from the MDI keys (Group 1)
[Data Format] Word Type
ASCII code (decimal number)
the substitutional letter
(Group 2)
[Data Format] Word Type
ASCII code (decimal number)
the letter that can’t be inputted from the MDI keys
(Group 2)
[Data Format] Word Type
ASCII code (decimal number)
pG-j 1
the substitutional letter
(Group 3)
[Data Format] Word Type
ASCII code (decimal number)
the letter that can’t be inputted from the MDI keys (Group 3)
[Data Format] Word Type
ASCII code (decimal number)
The above NC parameters from No.0911 to No.0916 are used
in order to substitute the letter that can be inputted from the
MD1 keys for the letter that can’t be inputted from the MD1
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