FS 16i/18i/21i-TB, Spindle select by address P (Multi-spindle control) Specifications Additional Manual Page 16

Additional Manual
Data Si
FANUC Series 16
Spindle select by address P
(multi-spindle control)
Drawing No.
02 2003.4.8
Constant surface speed control is modified.
(8) Spindle speed override signal on both paths are set to
(9) The 2nd spindle on path-1 rotates at 200 rpm. However,
the 1st spindle on path-1 keep 50 rpm.(Refer to figure
C- 1910
1st spindle #1
2nd spindle #1
1st spindle #2
2nd spindle #2
S100 P11 ;
S100 P12 ;
50 rpm
200 rpm
0 rpm
0 rpm

Contents Summary of FS 16i/18i/21i-TB, Spindle select by address P (Multi-spindle control) Specifications Additional Manual

  • Page 1FANUC Series 16i /18i /21i –TB Spindle select by address P (Multi-spindle control) Specifications Contents 1. Specification .............................................................................2 2. Parameter...............................................................................19 3.
  • Page 21. Specification In multi-spindle control, when the parameter MPP(No. 3703#3) is set to 1, S command is sent to one spindle specified by address P. Spindle selection signals SWS1,SWS2, SWS3, SWS4,SLSPA and SLSPB don’t need to be used. Note 1 This funct
  • Page 3FS16i *SSTP1#1 Path-1 Hold 1 1st spindle #1 *SSTP2#1 Hold 2 2nd spindle #1 S command *SSTP3#1 Hold 3 3rd spindle #1 *SSTP4#1 Hold 4 4th spindle #1 P *SSTP1#2 Path-2 Hold 1 1st spindle #2 *SSTP2#2 Hold 2 2nd spindle #2 S command *SSTP3#2 Hold 3 3rd spindle #2 *SSTP4#2 Hold 4 4th spindle #2 S command
  • Page 4FS18i *SSTP1#1 Path-1 Hold 1 1st spindle #1 *SSTP2#1 Hold 2 2nd spindle #1 S command *SSTP3#1 Hold 3 3rd spindle #1 P *SSTP1#2 Path-2 Hold 1 1st spindle #2 *SSTP2#2 Hold 2 2nd spindle #2 S command *SSTP3#2 Hold 3 3rd spindle #2 S command is sent to one spindle specified by address P. C- 2 The 3rd sp
  • Page 5FS21i *SSTP1#1 Path-1 Hold 1 1st spindle *SSTP2#1 Hold 2 2nd spindle S command P S command is sent to one spindle specified by address P. C- 3 Format S_ P_; M29 S_ P_ ; (Rigid tapping) G96 S_ P_ ; (Constant surface speed control) The spindle specified by P_ rotates at S_ rpm. Relationship between P
  • Page 6S200 P12; The second spindle on path-1 S300 P21; The first spindle on path-2 S400 P22; The second spindle on path-2 parameter FS16i value Path-1 1st spindle #1 11 S100 P11 ; 2nd spindle #1 12 Path-2 1st spindle #2 21 S200 P22 ; 2nd spindle #2 22 C- 4 Influence on modal P code Address P with S comman
  • Page 7S command without address P When parameter MPP is set to 1, CNC generates the alarm 5305 if P code is not commanded at the same block which commanded S code. Example S100 P1 ; OK P1 ; Address P is used for the other function. S100 ; Alarm 5305 occurs. Plural address P This function cannot command tw
  • Page 8parameter FS16i value Path-1 (1) 1st spindle #1 11 Spindle is controlled by the latest S100 P11 ; 2nd spindle #1 12 command. Path-2 (2) 1st spindle #2 21 S200 P11 ; 2nd spindle #2 22 C- 5 Constant surface speed control Format G96 S_ P_ ; (Constant surface speed control) G50 S_ ; (Max speed command)
  • Page 9Example 1 (1) When G96 S100 P11 is executed on path-1, the 1st spindle is changed to constant surface speed control mode.(Refer to figure C-6) (2) If S200 P11 is executed on path-2 after (1), S200 is not effect while G96 is executed on path-1. (Refer to figure C-7) (1) parameter FS16i value Path-1 C
  • Page 10Example 2 (1) When G96 S100 P11 is executed on path-1, the 1st spindle is changed to constant surface speed control mode.(Refer to figure C-8) (2) When S200 P12 is executed on path-2 after (1), the 2nd spindle rotates at 200rpm and the 1st spindle is constant surface speed control mode. (Refer to fi
  • Page 11Example 3 (1) When G96 S100 P11 is executed on path-1. the 1st spindle is changed to constant surface speed control mode. (Refer to figure C-10) (2) When S100 P12 is executed on path-1 after (1),the 2nd spindle is changed to constant surface speed control mode and the 1st spindle is not controlled b
  • Page 12Example 4 (1) When G96 S100 P11 is executed on path-1, the 1st spindle is changed to constant surface speed control mode.(Refer to figure C-12) (2) If G96 S100 P11 is executed on path-2 after (1), Alarm No.5333(“SPINDLE IS BUSY FOR ANOTHER G96”) is occurred. (Refer to figure C-13) (1) parameter FS16
  • Page 13Rigid tapping In the rigid tapping, this function can specify the spindle in own path.(Refer to figure C-14.) This function is not applied to the spindle in another paths.(Refer to figure C-15.) parameter FS16i Available value Path-1 1st spindle #1 11 2nd spindle #1 12 Path-2 1st spindle #2 21 M29 S
  • Page 14Spindle speed override signal(SOV00 to SOV07) Spindle speed override signal can specifies an override of 0% to 254% for the latest S command of all paths. Example (1) Spindle speed override signal on both paths are set to 100%. (2) S100 P11 is executed on path-1. (3) The 1st spindle on path-1 rotate
  • Page 15(4) Spindle speed override signal is set to 50% (5) The 1st spindle on path-1 rotates at 50 rpm.(Refer to figure C-17) parameter Actual FS16i Hold value speed Path-1 50 1st spindle #1 11 50 rpm S100 P11 ; 50% 0 2nd spindle #1 12 0 rpm Path-2 0 1st spindle #2 21 0 rpm 100% 0 2nd spindle #2 22 0 rpm C
  • Page 16(8) Spindle speed override signal on both paths are set to 200%. (9) The 2nd spindle on path-1 rotates at 200 rpm. However, the 1st spindle on path-1 keep 50 rpm.(Refer to figure C-19) parameter Actual FS16i Hold value speed Path-1 50 1st spindle #1 11 50 rpm S100 P11 ; 200% 50% 200 2nd spindle #1 1
  • Page 17Spindle synchronous control/ Spindle simple synchronous control If S code is commanded to the slave spindle which is synchronized with master spindle, that S code is not effective immediately. Slave spindle rotates at commanded rpm after synchronous control ends. Polygon turning with two spindles If
  • Page 18Signal address #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 G026 *SSTP4 PC4SLC PC3SLC G027 *SSTP3 *SSTP2 *SSTP1 G028 PC2SLC G032 R08I R07I R06I R05I R04I R03I R02I R01I G033 SIND SSIN SGN R12I R11I R10I R09I G034 R08I2 R07I2 R06I2 R05I2 R04I2 R03I2 R02I2 R01I2 G035 SIND2 SSIN2 SGN2 R12I2 R11I2 R10I2 R09I2 G036 R08I3 R07
  • Page 192. Parameter #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 3703 MPP 3SP 2SP [Data type] Bit MPP In multi-spindle control, spindle select function by address P is 0: Not available. 1: Available. Note 1 When this function is used, set the parameters No.3781-No.3784. Note 2 This function is included in multi-spindle control
  • Page 203781 P number for 1st spindle 3782 P number for 2nd spindle 3783 P number for 3rd spindle 3784 P number for 4th spindle [Data type] Word type [Valid data range] 0, 1 to 32767 These parameters set P numbers for each spindle in multi-spindle control. Example When Prm.3781 on path-1 = 11, Prm.3781 on p
  • Page 213. Alarm and Message Number Message Description 5305 ILLEGAL SPINDLE When the spindle is selected by NUMBER address P in multi-spindle control, (1) Address P is not commanded. (2) Parameter No.3781-No.3784 is not set to select spindle. (3) Spindle on another path is specified in rigid tapping. (4) G