16040 Time interval by which the start of the next block follows setting *PFIN to 0
[Data type] Byte
[Unit of data] msec
[Valid data range] 0 to 248
Parameter 16040 sets the time interval by which the start of the next block
follows setting the contact of the *PFIN signal to complete single–cycle
pressing to 0 in a block where the PF signal to start pressing is set to 1
(except for the nibbling or forming mode).
16041 Time interval by which setting of EF to 1 precedes the completion of positioning
[Data type] Byte
[Unit of data] msec
[Valid data range] 0 to "120
This parameter sets the time interval by which setting of the EF signal to
1 by the external operation function precedes the completion of
If a negative value is specified, the EF signal is set to 1 when the
corresponding time period elapses after the completion of positioning.