16209 Clearance and amount of return for the Y axis in automatic repositioning (in mm)
16210 Clearance and amount of return for the Y axis in automatic repositioning (in inches)
[Data type] Two–word
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–A IS–B Units
Input in millmeters 0.01 0.001 mm
Input in inches 0.001 0.0001 inch
[Valid data range] 1 to "99999999
Each of the parameters sets the clearance and amount of return for the
Y–axis in automatic repositioning (G75).
16211 Amount of return for the Y–axis in automatic repositioning (G75, in millimeters)
16212 Amount of return for the Y–axis in automatic repositioning (G75, in inches)
[Data type] Two–word
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–A IS–B Units
Input in millmeters 0.01 0.001 mm
Input in inches 0.001 0.0001 inch
[Valid data range] 1 to "99999999
These parameters specify the amount of return for the Y–axis in automatic
repositioning (G75).
The clearance is specified in conventional parameters 16209 and 16210.
These parameters are valid when the BKR bit (bit 2 of parameter 16204)
is set to 1.
16228 Number of characters that can be stored for a U or V macro function
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range]
Setting value
Number of macro storage characters
0 3200
1 11008
2 22272
3 27072