16268 T–axis travel for each rotation of the turret
[Data type] Two-Word
[Unit of data] Least command increment for the T–axis
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
This parameter specifies the total T–axis travel for each rotation of the
turret. This parameter is valid when the TCL bit (bit 4 of parameter
16260) is set to 1. The parameter can be specified using the tool input
screen. The T–axis machine position (index position) for each tool to be
used should be specified using the tool input screen.
16269 Punching count for all tools (low–order)
16270 Punching count for all tools (high–order)
[Data type] Two-Word
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
These parameters preset the punching count for all tools to be used.
Parameter 16269 can be preset on the tool input screen.