1 The values set for zone #n must be smaller than those set
for zone #n + 1. (n: 1 to 3)
2 Zeros must be specified for zones which need not be
3 If any of the +X, –X, and Y coordinates are set to 0 for an
area, that area is invalid.
16517 Size of tool area 1 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16518 Size of tool area 1 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16519 Size of tool area 2 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16520 Size of tool area 2 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16521 Size of tool area 3 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16227 Size of tool area 3 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16523 Size of tool area 4 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16524 Size of tool area 4 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16525 Size of tool area 5 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16526 Size of tool area 5 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16527 Size of tool area 6 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16528 Size of tool area 6 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16529 Size of tool area 7 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16530 Size of tool area 7 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
16531 Size of tool area 8 in the X direction for the safety zone function
16532 Size of tool area 8 in the Y direction for the safety zone function
[Data type] Two-Word
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–A IS–B Units
Millimeter machine 0.01 0.001 mm
Inch machine 0.001 0.0001 inch
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
The parameters set 12 tool areas for the safety zone function.
Refer to parameters No. 16551 to No. 16558
A tool area is selected by signals SZTS0 to SZTS3 input
from a PMC machine.