16536 X–axis rapid traverse rate for automatic setting
[Data type] Two-Word
[Unit of data]
Increment system Units of data Valid data range
Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 30 to 240000
Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 30 to 9600
This parameter specifies an X–axis rapid traverse rate for automatic
setting of a safety zone by an external signal.
When this parameter is set to 0, the feedrate along the
X–axis for automatic detection equals the manual rapid
traverse rate.
16537 X–axis rapid traverse time constant for automatic setting
[Data type] Word
[Unit of data] msec
[Valid data range] 8 to 4000
This parameter specifies an X–axis rapid traverse time constant for the
automatic setting of a safety zone by an external signal.
When this parameter is set to 0, the X–axis time constant for
automatic detection equals the time constant for manual
rapid traverse.
16538 Lower limit of position error for movement along the X–axis for automatic setting
16539 Upper limit of position error for movement along the X–axis for automatic setting
[Data type] Two-Word
[Unit of data] Units of detection
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
These parameters specify the lower and upper limits, for the position error
for movement along the X–axis, for the automatic setting of a safety zone
by an external signal. These parameters must be specified for automatic
The values of these parameters must satisfy the following
condition: Parameter 16538 < Parameter 16539