#6 #5
#2 #1
[Data type] Bit axis
ZRNx When a command specifying the movement except for G28 is issued in
automatic operation (MEM, RMT, or MDI) and when a return to the
reference position has not been performed since the power was turned on
0 : An alarm is generated (P/S alarm 224).
1 : An alarm is not generated.
The state in which the reference position has not been
established refers to that state in which reference position
return has not been performed after power–on when an
absolute position detector is not being used, or that state in
which the association of the machine position with the position
detected with the absolute position detector has not been
completed (see the description of bit 4 (APZx) of parameter
No. 1815) when an absolute position detector is being used.
DLZx Function for setting the reference position without dogs
0 : Disabled
1 : Enabled
When DLZ of parameter No.1002 is 0, DLZx is enabled.
When DLZ of parameter No.1002 is 1, DLZx is disabled, and
the function for setting the reference position without dogs
is enabled for all axes.
HJZx When a reference position is already set:
0 : Manual reference position return is performed with deceleration sogs.
1 : Manual reference position return is performed using rapid traverse
without deceleration dogs, or manual reference position return is
performed with deceleration dogs, depending on the setting of bit 7
(SJZ) of parameter No.0002.
When reference position return without dogs is specified,
(see bit 1 (DLZ) of parameter No.1002) reference position
return after a reference position is set is performed using
rapid traverse, regardless of the setting of HJZ.
EDPx External deceleration signal in the positive direction for each axis
0 : Valid only for rapid traverse
1 : Valid for rapid traverse and cutting feed
EDMx External deceleration signal in the negative direction for each axis
0 : Valid only for rapid traverse
1 : Valid for rapid traverse and cutting feed