When bit 0 (PLC01) of parameter No.2000 is set to 1, a value
ten times greater than the value set in this parameter is used
to make the check.
When the value 10 is set in this parameter, and bit 0 (PLC01)
of parameter No.2000 is set to 1, reference
1850 Grid shift for each axis
When this parameter has been set, the power must be
turned off before operation is continued.
[Data type] 2–word axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
To shift the reference position, the grid can be shifted by the amount set in
this parameter. Up to the maximum value counted by the reference
counter can be specified as the grid shift.
1851 Backlash compensating value for each axis
[Data type] Word axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] –9999 to +9999
Set the backlash compensating value for each axis.
When the machine moves in a direction opposite to the reference position
return direction after the power is turned on, the first backlash
compensation is performed.
1852 Backlash compensating value used for rapid traverse for each axis
[Data type] Word axis
[Unit of data] Detection unit
[Valid data range] –9999 to +9999
Set the backlash compensating value used in rapid traverse for each axis.
This parameter is valid when RBK, #4 of parameter 1800, is set to 1.
More precise machining can be performed by changing the backlash
compensating value depending on the feedrate, the rapid traverse or the
cutting feed.
Let the measured backlash at cutting feed be A and the measured backlash
at rapid traverse be B. The backlash compensating value is shown below
depending on the change of feedrate (cutting feed or rapid traverse) and
the change of the direction of movement.