The standard parameters related to each motor model can be set
D The specifications for controlling a motor depend on the specifications
defined by the machine tool builder. The parameters defined by the
machine tool builder are set as the standard values (initial values) by
this automatic setting function.
Therefore, when performing automatic operation, always set
parameters properly according to the parameter list (parameters
4000 and later).
1. Turn on the power in the emergency stop state.
2. Set bit 7 of parameter 4019 to 1.
#6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
Bit 7 (LDSP) The parameters for the serial interface spindle are:
0 : Not set automatically.
l 1 : Set automatically.
3. Set a motor model code.
4133 Motor model code
Code Motor mode Amplifier
100 a 0.5 (3000/8000min
) SPM–2.2
101 a 1 (3000/8000min
) SPM–2.2
102 a 1.5 (1500/8000min
) SPM–5.5
103 a 2 (1500/8000min
) SPM–5.5
104 a 2/1500 (3000/1500min
) SPM–5.5
105 a 3 (1500/8000min
) SPM–5.5
106 a 6 (1500/8000min
) SPM–11
107 a 8 (1500/6000min
) SPM–11
108 a 12 (1500/6000min
) SPM–15
109 a 15 (1500/6000min
) SPM–22
110 a 18 (1500/6000min
) SPM–22
111 a 22 (1500/6000min
) SPM–26
112 a P8 (750/6000min
) SPM–11
113 a P12 (750/6000min
) SPM–11
114 a P15 (750/6000min
) SPM–15
115 a P18 (750/6000min
) SPM–15
116 a P22 (750/6000min
) SPM–22
117 a P30 (575/4500min
) SPM–22
4. Turn off the power then back on. Then, the parameters are read.
Automatic Setting of
Standard Parameters