3 What failure occurred ?
D Which alarm was displayed on the alarm display screen?
(Check the axis along which an alarm has occurred for alarms 300
to 599.)
D For alarm 350 : Examine diagnostic 202
For alarm 351 : Examine diagnostic 203
For alarm 414 : What does diagnostic display 200,201,204
indicate ?
D For alarm 751 or 761 : Which spindle alarm is indicated ?
(indicated by XX (XX is a number))
D Is the screen correct ?
D If machining dimensions are incorrect
1) How large is the error ?
2) Is the position display on the CRT correct ?
3) Are the offsets correct ?
4 Other information
D Is there noise origin around machine?
If the failure has not occurred frequently, the cause may be external
noise to the power supply or inductive noise on machinery cables.
Operate other machines connected to the same power line and see
if noise come from the relays or compressors.
D Is it taken any countermeasure for noise in machine side?
See Sec. 2.13 “Action against Noise”
D Check the following for the input power supply voltage :
1) Is there variation in the voltage ?
2) Are the voltages different depending on the phase ?
3) Is the standard voltage supplied ?
D How high is the ambient temperature of the control unit?
(0_C to 45_C during operation)
Refer to manual about noise.
D Has excessive vibration been applied to the control unit?
(0.5 G or less during operation)
5 When you contact our service center, specify the following items :
1) Name of the NC unit
2) Name of the machine tool builder and type of machine
3) Software series/version of the NC
4) Specifications of the servo amplifier and motor
(for a failure related to the servo)
5) Specifications of the spindle amplifier and spindle motor
(for a failure related to a spindle)
D See the drawing issued by the machine tool builder for the
locations of the NC unit and servo/spindle amplifiers.
D We use the following specification codes :
Servo /spindle amplifier : A06B–VVVV–HVVV
Servo/spindle motor : A06B–VVVV–BVVV
(V represents a number)