Screen Display, 26, 27, 30, 83
Screen Displayed Immediately After Power is Turned
on, 21
Separating Signal Lines, 119
Servo Tuning Screen, 212
Setting Input/Output–Related Parameters, 136
Setting Module Screen, 23
Setting Parameters, 56
Setting Parameters for Input/Output, 125
Setting the Input Signal or Output Signal to be Re-
corded in the Operation History, 33
Slot Status Display, 22
Soft Keys, 2
Software Configuration Screen, 25
Specification, 151
Specification of PMC, 151
Spindle monitor screen, 225
Spindle Setting and Tuning Screen, 222
Spindle setting screen, 222
Spindle tuning screen, 223
SRAM Data Backup Screen, 342
SRAM Memory Card, 352
SRAM operation, 366
Starting the BOOT SYSTEM, 331
Status Screen, 371
System block diagram, 100
System Configuration Screen, 24
System Data Check Screen, 336
System Data Delete Screen, 338
System Data Loading Screen, 334
System data manipulation, 365
System Data Save Screen, 340
System File and User File, 332
System Monitor Screen, 21
System Reserve Area of Internal Relay, 153
Troubleshooting, 234
Tuning S analog voltage (D/A converter), 233
Usable Cards, 352
Warning Screen Displayed when an Option is
Changed, 79
Warning Screen Displayed when System Software is
Replaced (System Label Check Error), 81
Wave form Diagnostic Function, 56
Waveform Diagnostic Parameter Screen, 57
When Flash Memory Cards Formatted by the Boot
System Are Used with the Systems of Some
Manufacturers, 357
When Flash Memory Cards Formatted by the Systems
of Some Manufacturers Are Used with the Boot
System, 357