For latest version, questions, or assistance related to the GE Fanuc Program Book, please contact
your local GE Fanuc Sales / Application Engineer.
GE Fanuc Automation
GE Fanuc Automation CNC Europe S.A.
Automotive Account Executive
Allaoua Nedjai
Zone Industrielle
L-6468 Echternach
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Tel.: +352-727979-208
Fax: +352-727979-315
mailto: allaoua.nedjai@gefanuc.com
GE Fanuc Automation CNC Europe S.A.
HQ Engineering
Olaf Sklepik
Zone Industrielle
L-6468 Echternach
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Tel.: +352-727979-566
Fax: +352-727979-278
mailto: olaf.sklepik@gefanuc.com
GE Fanuc Automation CNC Deutschland GmbH
Leader User Market Development
Manfred Weber
Bernhaeuser Strasse 22
D-73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.
Tel.: +49-7158-187-424
mailto: manfred.weber@gefanuc.com
This brochure has been provided to you by GE Fanuc Automation CNC Europe S.A. (“GE Fanuc”) for convenience and genera
information purposes only, with no intention of providing comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date information, and also
contains information obtained from an independent GE Fanuc customer not acting or representing to act in the name of G
Fanuc. Therefore, GE Fanuc does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information, application, apparatus, product, use, processes or services disclosed herein,
nor does GE Fanuc endorse or recommend any application, apparatus, product, use, processes or services in or with thi
brochure. GE Fanuc Automation CNC Europe S.A. reserves the right to make improvements to the products and procedures
described in this publication at any time and without notice.
Should you be interested in obtaining specific information or advice on GE Fanuc applications, apparatus, products, use,
rocesses or services, please contact GE Fanuc at:
GE Fanuc Automation CNC Europe S.A.
Zone Industrielle
L-6468 Echternach
Grand Duchy of Luxemburg
Tel.: +352-727979-210.
File Name: Backup_Guidance_EN21.doc
Created by: Olaf Sklepik on 20-Apr-05
Approved by: n/a
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