2.4.4 Restoring FROM/SRAM data (Panel i)
FROM data like the PMC Ladder Program can be loaded into FROM by using [LOAD]-button in
Boot Menu:
y pressing [LOAD] the folder is re over the [SETTINGS]-
Then the data file is loa al naming convention, i.e.
Also the whole SRAM-d
Figure 19: Restoring SRAM
By selecting the [SRAM]-tab and pressing [RESTORE], all files of the SRAM backup are restored
again. It must be assured that the proper folder is selected over the [SETTINGS] button.
Figure 18: Loading System Data
displayed, which has been selected befo
ded into FROM and displayed according intern
ata can be restored through the Boot Menu:
ect the file, which shall be uploaded, i.e. PMC-SB.000 and press OK
File Name: Backup_Guidance_EN21.doc
Created by: Olaf Sklepik on 20-Apr-05
Approved by: n/a
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