3.1.2 Symantec Ghost Software
The Symantec Ghost Software package consists of 5 components. For the detailed system
quirements please refer to Symantec documentation, which comes with the software package.
ependent on the version of Ghost, following requirements must be fulfilled with the computer,
which will act as server:
Symantec Ghost Version 7.5 Symantec Ghost Version 8.0
CPU Pentium Processor Pentium Processor
Display VGA Display VGA Display 800 x 600
Operating Systems
• Windows 2000 SP2 with
Internet Explorer 4.0 installed
• -Windows NT 4.0 SP6A with
Internet Explorer 5.0 installed
• -Windows XP
• Windows 2000 Prof./Server SP4
• Windows XP Prof. SP1a
• Windows Server 2003
Table 7: Symantec Ghost System Requirements
The components elow:
Symantec G
from which you
plan to remotely back up, restore, clone and
configure other workstations. Install all
components of Symantec Ghost on the server
except for the Console client.
are listed b
host Install on the server computer
Console clie
communi d the
ntec Ghost
on your workstations to enable
cation among your workstations an
Symantec Ghost standalone configuration client
Install on a workstation that is not to be managed
by the Symantec Ghost Console. Install this client
to apply configuration settings after a restore or
clone using Ghost.exe.
Symantec Ghost Standard Tools Install when the Console is not required. Install all
components of Symantec Ghost except for the
Console server and client.
AutoInstall Install on the computer on which you want to
create packages to install applications.
Table 8: Symantec Ghost Software Components
With this, several Backup strategies can be developed.
he favorite procedure with GE Fanuc’s OpenCNC configuration is described in the following
chapters. It will use the Ghost Console component on the server-side. The client is booted up with
a specific network boot diskette.
File Name: Backup_Guidance_EN21.doc
Created by: Olaf Sklepik on 20-Apr-05
Approved by: n/a
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