After the Installation has been performed, the user is asked to run the registration procedure. In a
first test, no registration has been performed. It can be done later on. The unregistered software is
operable for 30 days. number through the installation procedure, a file
s to be sent to SYMANTEC
ot apply any message, just
send th
Symantec will reply with tered in the ‘Register Console’ Menu
(refer to next Chapter).
Figure 34: Installation Dialogue (3)
ressing FINISH-Button completes the Installation.
By entering the Serial
‘GHOSTREG.DAT’ is generated. This file ha
(ghostreg@symantec.com) in order to get a validation key. Please do n
the validation key, which has to be en
is file ‘GHOSTREG.DAT’ as an attachment.
File Name: Backup_Guidance_EN21.doc
Created by: Olaf Sklepik on 20-Apr-05
Approved by: n/a
Page 43 of 72