me: Backup_Guidance_EN21.doc
by: Olaf Sklepik on 20-Apr-05
ed by: n/a
Page 68 of 72
IMAGE FILE: A location on the Server and the filename of the Ghost-Image to be transferred has
to be selected. The Browse function can be used to specify a sub-folder. In the test, the whole
drive has been backed-up.
It is also possible to back-up a specific partition only.
CLIENT COMMAND LINE OPTIONS: If a Restore from an image is selected, the destination disk
number has to be entered. With the Panel i, usually there is only one drive number available. In
this case the setting is 1.
When all necessary fields are specified, the ACCEPT CLIENTS Button is selectable and shall be
pressed to go on with the PC-Backup.
A Reminder-Window appears:
r USB memory stick, the
settings on
Figure 62: Ghost Cast Server: Reminder Window
As soon as the Panel i has been set-up with the Network Boot diskette o
send Button shall be pressed on the server-side to initiate the transfer process The
Panel i are the same as for the Backup procedure.
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