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1 This parameter is valid when bit 1 (MRC) of
parameter No. 5102 is set to 1.
2 Regardless of the setting of this parameter, the
shape is checked during a movement made by an
arc command.
PCT A Q command in a tapping cycle (G84 or G88) is:
0 : Invalid.
1 : Valid. (A peck tapping cycle is performed.)
When this parameter is set, and the depth of cut for each time is
specified with address Q in G84 or G88, a peck tapping cycle is
As a peck tapping cycle operation, high-speed peck tapping or peck
tapping can be selected by bit 5 (PCP) of parameter No. 5200. This
function can be used for both tapping and rigid tapping. Even when
this parameter is set, ordinary tapping or rigid tapping is performed if
Q is not specified or if Q0 is specified.
C-axis clamp M code in drilling canned cycle
[Data type] 2-word
[Valid data range] 0 to 99
This parameter sets the C-axis clamp M code in a drilling canned
Dwell time when C-axis unclamping is specified in drilling canned cycle
[Data type] Word
[Unit of data] ms
[Valid data range] 0 to 32767
This parameter sets the dwell time when C-axis unclamping is
specified in a drilling canned cycle.