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Minimum depth of cut in the multiple repetitive canned cycle G76
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data]
Input increment IS-B IS-C Unit
Millimeter input 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch input 0.0001 0.00001 inch
[Valid data range] 0 to 99999999
This parameter sets the minimum depth of cut in the multiple
repetitive canned cycle G76.
Finishing allowance in the multiple repetitive canned cycle G76
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data]
Input increment IS-B IS-C Unit
Millimeter input 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch input 0.0001 0.00001 inch
[Valid data range] 1 to 99999999
This parameter sets the finishing allowance in multiple repetitive
canned cycle G76.
Repetition count of final finishing in multiple repetitive canned cycle G76
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data] Cycle
[Valid data range] 1 to 99999999
This parameter sets the repetition count in multiple repetitive canned
cycle G76.
Tool nose angle in multiple repetitive canned cycle G76
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data] Degree
[Valid data range] When FS10/11 format is used: 0 to 120
When FS10/11 format is not used: 0, 29, 30, 55, 60, 80
This parameter sets the tool nose angle in multiple repetitive canned
cycle G76.