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Position control loop gain for the spindle and tapping axis in rigid tapping
(common to all gears)
Position control loop gain for the spindle and tapping axis in rigid tapping
(first-stage gear)
Position control loop gain for the spindle and tapping axis in rigid tapping
(second-stage gear)
Position control loop gain for the spindle and tapping axis in rigid tapping
(third-stage gear)
Position control loop gain for the spindle and tapping axis in rigid tapping
(fourth-stage gear)
Once these parameters have been set, the power
must be turned off then back on for the settings to
become effective.
[Data type] Word
[Unit of data] 0.01 s
[Valid data range] 1 to 9999
Each of these parameters is used to set a position control loop gain for
the spindle and tapping axis in rigid tapping. These parameters
significantly affect the precision of threading. Conduct cutting tests,
and make adjustments to obtain an optimum value.
When performing threading with an analog spindle, also adjust the
loop gain multipliers (parameter Nos. 5291 to 5294).
1 To use a varied loop gain on a gear-by-gear basis,
set parameter No.5280 to 0, and set a loop gain for
each gear in parameters No.5281 through
No.5284. The specification of a loop gain on a
gear-by-gear basis is disabled if parameter
No.5280 is set to a value other than 0. In such a
case, the value set in parameter No.5280 is used
as a loop gain that is common to all the gears.
2 When rigid tapping is performed using the second
• When the SPR parameter (bit 1 of parameter
No.5204) is set to 0, the setting of parameter
No.5280 or the settings of parameters No.5281
and No.5282 are applied to the second spindle,
as well as to the first spindle.
• When the SPR parameter (bit 1 of parameter
No.5204) is set to 1, the settings of parameters
No.5341 through No.5343 are applied to the
second spindle.