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#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
[Data type] Bit
ITI The index table index function is:
0 : Enabled.
1 : Disabled.
ISP For the index table axis, an automatic servo-off operation when
clamping is completed and an automatic servo-on operation when
unclamping is completed are:
0 : Performed.
1 : Not performed.
Negative-direction rotation command M code
[Data type] 2-word
[Valid data range] 0 to 255
0 : Not use an M code that sets the index table rotation to the
negative direction. The rotation direction is specified using a
command and parameter (INC, #3 of parameter No.5500).
1 to 255:
Sets an M code that sets the index table rotation to the negative
direction. The rotation is set to the negative direction only when
an M code set here is specified in the same block as an index
table indexing command. If the M code is not specified in the
same block, the rotation is always set to the positive direction.
Set ABS, #2 of parameter No.5500, to 1.
Unit of index table indexing angle
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data]
Input increment IS-A IS-B IS-C Unit
Rotation axis 0.01 0.001 0.0001 deg
[Valid data range] 0 to 360000
This parameter sets the unit of index table indexing angle. A P/S alarm
(No.135) generated when movementother than integer multiple of the
setting value is specified.
If zero is specified as the setting value, any
command can be specified irrespective of the unit
of angle.