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Set a radius value irrespective of whether the
diameter programming or the radius programming
is specified.
ε value on X axis during automatic tool compensation
ε value during automatic tool length automatic compensation
ε value on Z axis during automatic tool compensation
[Data type] 2-word
[Unit of data]
Input increment IS-A IS-B IS-C Unit
Millimeter input 0.01 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch input 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 inch
[Valid data range] 1 to 99999999
These parameters set the ε value during automatic tool compensation
(T series) or automatic tool length offset (M series).
Set a radius value irrespective of whether the
diameter programming or the radius programming
is specified.
Time constant of acceleration/deceleration after interpolation in the skip
function in advanced preview control, AI advanced preview control, or AI
contour control mode for each axis
[Data type] Word axis
[Unit of data] msec
[Valid data range] 0 to 512
This parameter sets the time constant of acceleration/deceleration after
interpolation in the skip function in advanced preview control, AI
advanced preview control, or AI contour control mode for each axis.
This parameter is valid when bit 3 (ASL) of parameter No. 6210 is set
to 1. (See the description of bit 3 (ASL) of parameter No. 6210.)
If this parameter is set to 0, the value set in parameter No. 1769 is
used. If parameter No. 1769 is set also to 0, the value in parameter No.
1768 is used.