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1 When a parameter write operation with all axes
specified (axis specification: -1) is performed with
function code 18 of the PMC window function, this
function cannot be used. (Even if the function is
specified, data for all axes is not transferred to the
spindle amplifier.)
2 When a spindle startup operation is being
performed at the time of power-up and so on, or
when serial spindle parameter data (parameter
Nos. 4000 to 4799) is being rewritten through MDI
keys, RS-232C, or programmable data input (G10),
the serial spindle parameter data (parameter Nos.
4000 to 4799) must not be rewritten with the PMC
window function at the same time.
3 When spindle orientation with the stop position set
externally or incremental command type spindle
orientation (both set by bit 2 (OR1) and bit 3 (OR2)
of parameter No. 3702) is used, the same condition
as described in NOTE 2 above applies if the status
of the spindle orientation external stop position
command signals (below) changes. When a
change to the spindle orientation external stop
position command signals and rewriting of spindle
parameters (parameter Nos. 4000 to 4799) by the
PMC window function are performed successively,
insert a wait time of at least 50 ms between these
Spindle orientation external stop position command
First spindle SHA00 to SHA11 <G078, G079>
Second spindle SHB00 to SHB11 <G080,
4 When a parameter has been changed using this
function, it requires 1000 ms for the new parameter
data to become valid on the spindle amplifier side.
To use a parameter as soon as changing it, wait for
at least 1000 ms after the PMC window completion
code is returned.