- 34 -
If IPR is set to 1, the least input increment is set as follows:
Input increment Least input increment
IS-B 0.01 mm, 0.01 deg, or 0.0001 inch
IS-C 0.001 mm, 0.001 deg, or 0.00001 inch
For IS-A, the least input increment cannot be set to
a value 10 times as large as the least command
The least input increment is not multiplied by 10
also when the calculator-type decimal point input
(bit 0 (DPI) of parameter No. 3401) is used.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
[Data type] Bit axis
ZRNx When a command specifying the movement except for G28 is issued
in automatic operation (MEM, MDI, or DNC) and when a return to
the reference position has not been performed since the power was
turned on
0 : An alarm is generated (P/S alarm 224).
1 : An alarm is not generated.
1 The state in which the reference position has not
been established refers to that state in which
reference position return has not been performed
after power-on when an absolute position detector
is not being used, or that state in which the
association of the machine position with the
position detected with the absolute position
detector has not been completed (see the
description of bit 4 (APZx) of parameter No. 1815)
when an absolute position detector is being used.
2 To use a function that establishes the reference
point and makes a movement with a command
other than G28, such as an axis of Cs contour
control, set this parameter for the relative axis.
3 When the Cs axis coordinate setup function (bit 2
(CSF) of parameter No. 3712) is used, it is
recommended that this parameter be set to 0.
DLZx Function for setting the reference position without dogs
0 : Disabled
1 : Enabled