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1430 Maximum cutting feedrate for each axis
[Data type] 2-word axis
[Unit of data, valid data range]
Valid data range
Increment system Unit of data
Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 6 to 240000 6 to 100000
Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 6 to 96000 6 to 48000
Rotation axis 1 deg/min 6 to 240000 6 to 100000
Specify the maximum cutting feedrate for each axis.
A feedrate for each axis is clamped in cutting feed so that it does not
exceed the maximum feedrate specified for each axis.
1 This parameter is valid only during linear
interpolation and circular interpolation. Even when
this parameter is set, clamping to a maximum
cutting feedrate based on parameter No. 1422 is
enabled during polar coordinate interpolation,
cylindrical interpolation, and involute interpolation
(M series).
2 When this parameter is set to 0 for all axes,
clamping to a maximum cutting feedrate based on
parameter No. 1422 is enabled.
This means that if a value other than 0 is set for
any of the axes with this parameter, clamping to a
maximum cutting feedrate is performed for all axes
during linear interpolation or circular interpolation
according to this parameter.
1431 Maximum cutting feedrate for all axes in the advanced preview control mode
[Data type] 2-words
[Unit of data, valid data range]
Valid data range
Increment system Unit of data
Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 0 to 240000 0 to 100000
Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 0 to 96000 0 to 48000
Rotation axis 1 deg/min 0 to 240000 0 to 100000
Specify the maximum cutting feedrate for all axes in the advanced
preview control mode.
A feedrate in the tangential direction is clamped in cutting feed so that
it does not exceed the feedrate specified in this parameter.