No. Parameters to be used if the spindle switch function is not used or to be used for
the MAIN spindle when the spindle is switched
(No.4000 to 4135)
Data type
4080 Word Conventional: Regenerative power limit
HRV: Regenerative power limit in high–speed area/Regenerative power limit
4081 Word Delay time prior to motor power shut–off
4082 Word Acceleration/deceleration time setting
4083 Word Motor voltage during normal rotation
4084 Word Motor voltage during orientation
4085 Word Motor voltage in servo mode/spindle synchronization
4086 Word Motor voltage in Cs contour control
4087 Word Over–speed level
4088 Word Excessive velocity deviation detection level when the motor is constrained
4089 Word Excessive velocity deviation detection level when the motor is rotated
4090 Word Overload detection level
4091 Word Position gain change ratio when returning to the origin in the servo mode
4092 Word Position gain change ratio when returning to the origin in Cs contour control
4093 Word Load meter displayed value for maximum output (low–speed winding)
4094 Word Disturbance torque compensation constant
4095 Word Speed meter output voltage adjustment value
4096 Word Load meter output voltage adjustment value
4097 Word Spindle velocity feedback gain
4098 Word Maximum speed at which position coder signal can be detected
4099 Word Delay time for energizing the motor
4100 Word Conventional:Base velocity of the motor output specification
HRV:Base velocity of the motor output specification
4101 Word Conventional:Output limit value for the motor output specification
HRV:Torque limit value for the motor output specification
4102 Word Conventional:Base speed
HRV:Excitation voltage saturation speed under no load
4103 Word Conventional:Magnetic flux weakening start velocity
HRV:Base speed limit ratio
4104 Word Conventional:Current loop proportional gain
HRV:Current loop proportional gain
4105 Word Conventional:Current loop proportional gain (in Cs contour control)
4106 Word Conventional:Current loop integral gain
HRV:Current loop integral gain
4107 Word Conventional:Current loop integral gain (in Cs contour control)
4108 Word Conventional:Current loop integral gain zero speed
HRV:Current loop integral gain zero speed
4109 Word Conventional:Current loop proportional gain velocity factor
HRV:Filter time constant when the specified voltage is saturated