Tool life management ignored number
[Data type] Word
[Valid data range] 0 to 9999
This parameter sets the tool life management ignored number.
When the set value is subtracted from a T code, a remainder is used as the
tool group number of tool life management when a value exceeding the set
value is specified in the T code.
Tool life count restart M code
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 0 to 255 (not including 01, 02, 30, 98, and 99)
When zero is specified, it is ignored.
When the life is specified by the number of times, the tool exchange signal
is output when a tool life count restart M code is specified if tool life of at
least one tool group is expired. A tool in life is selected in the specified
group when a T code command (tool group command) is specified after
the tool life count restart M code is specified. A tool life counter is then
incremented by one.
When the life is specified by time, a tool in life is selected in the specified
group when a T code command (tool group command) is specified after
the tool life count restart M code is specified.
Remaining tool life (use count)
[Data type] Word
[Unit of data] Count
[Valid data range] 0 to 9999
This parameter sets a remaining tool life (use count) used to output the
tool life arrival notice signal when the tool life is specified as a use count.
1 When the remaining life (use count) of a selected tool
reaches the value specified with parameter No.6844, tool life
arrival notice signal TLCHB is output to the PMC.
2 If a value greater than the life of a tool is specified with
parameter No.6844, the tool life arrival notice signal is not