#6 #5 #4 #3 #2
[Data type] Bit
EML When bit 0 (MLE) of parameter No. 8001 is set to 1, for PMC axes:
0 : The all axis machine lock signal and axis–by–axis machine lock
signals are disabled.
1 : The all axis machine lock signal is disabled and the axis–by–axis
machine lock signals are enabled.
IPA For controlled axis at PMC axis control only (see the parameter No.1010) :
0 : The in–position check is performed when no move command is
issued for the PMC axis.
1 : No in–position check is always performed.
#6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
[Data type] Bit axis
MIRx When a PMC axis control command is issued in mirror image mode, the
mirror image is:
0 : Not considered.
1 : Considered.
This parameter is valid when PMC signals MI1 to MI8 <bits 0 to 7 of
G106> are set to “1” or bit 0 (MIRx) of parameter No. 0012 is set to “1”.
8010 Selection of the DI/DO group for each axis controlled by the PMC
[Data type] Byte axis
[Valid data range] 1 to 4
Specify the DI/DO group to be used to specify a command for each
PMC–controlled axis.
Value Description
1 DI/DO group A (G142 to G153) is used.
2 DI/DO group B (G154 to G165) is used.
3 DI/DO group C (G166 to G177) is used.
4 DI/DO group D (G178 to G189) is used.
8020 Low–speed feedrate at reference position return in axis control by PMC (FL)
[Data type] Word axis
[Unit of data, Valid data range]
Valid data range
Increment system Unit of data
Millimeter machine 1 mm/min 6 to 15000 6 to 12000
Inch machine 0.1 inch/min 6 to 6000 6 to 4800
Rotation axis 1 deg/min 6 to 15000 6 to 12000
This parameter specifies the low–speed feedrate at a reference position
return on a PMC–controlled axis (FL).