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- Number of blocks permissible on reverse movement
Reverse movement is possible up to about 200 blocks. This limit may be
reduced according to the specified program.
- Reset
Upon reset (when the RESET key on the MDI panel is pressed, the
external reset signal is applied, or the reset and rewind signal is applied),
the memorized reverse movement blocks are cleared.
- Feedrate
A feedrate for reverse movement can be specified using parameter (No.
1494). When this parameter is set to 0, the feedrate used for forward
movement is used. For forward return movement, the feedrate for forward
movement is always used.
In reverse movement and forward return movement, the feedrate override
function, rapid traverse override function, and dry run function are
- Start of reverse movement and forward return movement after completion of block
Reverse movement or forward return movement can be started at blocks
containing a rapid traverse (G00), linear interpolation (G01), circular
interpolation (G02, G03), dwell (G04), skip function (G31) or other
miscellaneous function command in the automatic operation mode
(memory operation, tape operation, MDI operation). Reverse movement or
forward return movement is not possible immediately after the reverse
movement signal has been switched. Reverse movement or forward return
movement is started when execution of the block is completed, in other
words, after completion of tool movement, dwell or miscellaneous
- Start of reverse movement and forward return movement after feed hold halt
If the reverse movement signal is switched to restart program execution
after a feed hold is executed during execution of rapid traverse (G00),
linear interpolation (G01), circular interpolation (G02, G03) and skip
function (G31), reverse movement or forward return movement can be
started immediately from that point. However, note that this is not possible
during execution of dwell (G04) or miscellaneous functions.