The following can be input/output via the RS–232–C interface.
D Part program registration/output
D Tool offset amount input/output
D Custom macro common variable input/output
D Pitch error compensation data input/output
D Parameter punch input/output
Usually, when parameters are entered or output through an external I/O
unit, the parameter screen is used; when programs are entered or output
through an external I/O unit, the program screen is used. Thus, a different
screen is usually used for each type of data. However, when the ALL IO
screen is used, this screen alone can handle the input/output of all
programs, parameters, offset data, and macro variables.
The Power Mate i has two RS–232C channels. The first channel is used
for data input/output using the FANUC Handy File and for applications
such as a macro executor. The second channel is used for maintenance
with a notebook–type personal computer (FAPT LADDER–II, DPL/MDI
operation package).
The second RS–232C channel does not have control lines
such as RS, CS, ER, DR, and CD. This means that only
those units that do not use control lines can be connected
to this channel.
The following Input/Output devices are prepared, which are connectable
to the RS–232–C interface.
The FANUC Handy File is a compact multi functional input/ouput floppy
disk unit for use with various types of FA equipment. Programs can be
transferred or edited through operations performed directly on the Handy
File or through remote operation from connected equipment.
Compared with media such as paper tape, a 3.5″ floppy disk is both
compact and durable, and eliminates noise during input/output.
Programs with a total capacity of up to 1.44 MB (equivalent to about 3600
m paper tape) can be saved on a single floppy disk.
FANUC Handy File