1 The symbols used in the remark column have the following meanings.
(Space) : The character will be registered in memory and has a specific meaning.
It is used incorrectly in a statement other than a comment, an alarm occurs.
× : The character will not be registered in memory and will be ignored.
∆ : The character will be registered in memory, but will be ignored during program
f : The character will be registered in memory. If it is used in a statement other than
a comment, an alarm occurs.
j : If it is used in a statement other than a comment, the character will not be registered
in memory. If it is used in a comment, it will be registered in memory.
2 Codes not in this table are ignored if their parity is correct.
3 Codes with incorrect parity cause the TH alarm. But they are ignored without generating the
TH alarm when they are in the comment section.
4 A character with all eight holes punched is ignored and does not generate TH alarm in EIA code.