Overtravel, 165
Overtravel functions, 165
Part program storage and editing, 150
Part program storage length, 152
Pattern data input, 95
Peck rigid tapping cycle (G84 or G74), 78
Per minute feed (G94), 29
Per revolution feed (G95), 30
Periodic maintenance screen, 149
Personal computer (connected via HSSB), 128
Personal computer (connected via RS–232C), 129
Personal computer function, 173
Picture display CRT/MDI, 120
Plane selection (G17, G18, G19), 47
Play back, 152
Polar coordinate interpolation (G12.1, G13.1), 26
Position switch function, 169
Positioning (G00), 23
Power Mate i, 162
Power mate CNC manager, 160
Preparatory functions, 20
Program configuration, 61
Program end (M02, M30), 112
Program name, 62
Program number, 62
Program number search, 110
Program stop (M00, M01), 112
Program test functions, 114
Programmable parameter entry (G10, G11), 83
Range of command value, 177
Rapid traverse, 28
Rapid traverse bell–shaped acceleration/deceleration, 33
Rapid traverse override, 31
Rapid traversing signal, 169
Reference position, 38
Reference position external setting, 43
Reference position return check (G27), 41
Reset, 112
Reset signal, 168
Retraction for tapping, 113
Return signal, 42
Rewind, 110
Rewinding signal, 168
Rigid tap (only for Power Mate–D), 74
Rigid tapping (G84), 76
Rigid tapping return, 113
Rotation axis roll–over function, 51
RS–232–C interfaces, 156
Run time & parts number display, 138
S code output, 53
Safety functions, 161
Screens for servo data and spindle data, 142
Selection of execution programs, 110
Self diagnosis functions, 154
Separate CRT, 122
Separate LCD, 123
Separate MDI, 121
Separate MDI for picture display, 122
Sequence number, 63
Sequence number search, 110
Servo adjustment screen, 142
Servo off, 99
Servo ready signal, 168
Servo setting screen, 142
Servo/spindle, 163
Setting a workpiece coordinate system (Using G92), 46
Setting and display unit, 116, 117
Setting the reference position without dogs, 39
Simple synchronous control, 100
Single block, 115
Skip function (G31), 85
Software operator’s panel, 139
Spindle adjustment screen, 143
Spindle functions (only for Power Mate–D), 52
Spindle orientation, 54
Spindle output control by the PMC, 53
Spindle output switching, 54
Spindle override, 54
Spindle setting screen, 143
Spindle speed analog output (S analog output), 53
Spindle speed serial output (S serial output), 53
Status output, 167
Stored pitch error compensation (only for Power Mate–D), 83
Stored stroke check 1, 165
Sub program, 63
System configuration display function, 144
T code output, 56