Series 30i-MODEL A, Input of tool offset value measured Additional Manual Page 7

Additional Manual
Ed. Date Design Description
Date Jan.06.’04 Design. Apprv.
FANUC Series 30i-MODEL A
Input of tool offset value measured
3-2 Move the cursor to the set offset number using cursor keys.
3-3 Press the address key Z to be set.
3-4 Key in the measured value ().
3-5 Press the soft key [MEASURE].
The difference between measured value and the coordinate is
set as the offset value.
4 Case of setting offset value of X axis, Cut surface is B. measure distance is α
and operation of X axis is the same as one of Z axis.
Refer to the appropriate manual issued by the machine
tool builder as to PRC signal
- Compensation values for a program created in diameter programming
Enter diameter values for the compensation values for axes for which diameter programming
is used.
- Tool geometry offset value and tool wear offset value
If measured values are set on the tool geometry compensation screen, all
compensation values become geometry compensation values and all wear
compensation values are set to 0. If measured values are set on the tool
wear compensation screen, the differences between the measured
compensation values and the current wear compensation values become
the new compensation values.
Setting the workpiece coordinate system shifting amount

Contents Summary of Series 30i-MODEL A, Input of tool offset value measured Additional Manual

  • Page 1TECHNICAL REPORT NO. TMN 04/020E Date :Mar .30, 2004 General Manager of Software Laboratory FANUC Series 30i-A Newly additional functions 1. Communicate this report to: Your information only GE Fanuc-N, GE Fanuc-E FANUC Robotics MILACRON Machine tool builder Sales agency End user 2. Summary for Sale
  • Page 2FANUC Series30i –A newly additional functions Drawing number Functions 1 A-79227E External Data Input 2 A-79226E One Touch Macro call 3 A-79196E Temporary absolute coordinate setting 4 A-79354E System alarm 5 A-79349E Touch Panel Control 6 A-79253E Distance coded linear scale interface 7 A-79364E Li
  • Page 3FANUC Series 30i-MODEL A Input of tool offset value measured Specifications FANUC Series 30i-MODEL A Title Input of tool offset value measured Draw A-79343E No. Ed. Date Design Description page 1/6 Date Jan.06.’04 Design. Apprv.
  • Page 4General The function is automaically setting offset value by the differennce between absolute coordinate value and the length of workpiece Details This is a function of setting an offset value by key-inputting a workpiece diameter manually cut and measured from the MDI keyboard.First the workpiece i
  • Page 5Signal address #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 Gn040 PRC Parameter #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 5005 PRC [Input type] Parameter input [Data type] Bit path #2 PRC Direct input of tool offset value and workpiece coordinate-system shift value. 0: Not use a PRC signal 1: Uses a PRC signal FANUC Series 30i-MODEL A Ti
  • Page 61.1 Operation for direct input of tool offset value Setting of offset value 1 Cut surface A in manual mode with an actual tool. Suppose that a workpiece coordinate system has been set. Surface B Surface A 2 CNC memorized absolute coordinate value of z axis, when PRC signal on the machine is turned o
  • Page 73-2 Move the cursor to the set offset number using cursor keys. 3-3 Press the address key Z to be set. 3-4 Key in the measured value (). 3-5 Press the soft key [MEASURE]. The difference between measured value  and the coordinate is set as the offset value. 4 Case of setting offset value of X axis,
  • Page 81. Case of setting the workpiece coordinate system shifting amount of z axis, Cut surface A in manual mode with an actual tool. 2 NC memorized absolute coordinate value of z axis, when PRC signal on the machine is turned on.Then, the tool can retract along two axes and spindle stop. 3 Measure distan