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3.4.14 Alarm Code 29
An excessive load (standard setting: load meter reading of 9 V) has
been applied continuously for a certain period (standard setting: 30
(1) If this alarm is issued during cutting
Check the load meter, and review the cutting condition.
(2) If this alarm is issued during a stop
(a) The spindle is locked.
Check the sequence to see if the spindle is locked when a
command for very slow movement is specified or orientation
is specified for the spindle.
(3) If the spindle does not rotate as specified (the spindle rotates at a
very low speed) and this alarm is issued
(a) The setting of a parameter is incorrect.
Referring to "FANUC AC SPINDLE MOTOR αi series
Parameter Manual (B-65280EN)," check the parameter for
sensor setting.
(b) The phase sequence of the motor power lead is incorrect.
(c) The feedback cable of the motor has a problem.
Check if the phase A/B signals are connected correctly.
(d) The feedback cable of the motor is faulty.
Rotate the motor manually to see if a speed is indicated in the
item of motor speed on the CNC diagnosis screen or on the
spindle check board. If no speed indication is provided,
replace the cable or spindle sensor (or motor).
(4) If the spindle does not rotate as specified (the spindle does not
rotate at all) and this alarm is issued
(a) The power lead is abnormal.
Check if the motor power lead is connected normally. If
spindle switching or output switching is performed, check if
the magnetic contactor is on.
(b) The SPM is faulty.
Replace the SPM.