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3.4.29 Alarm Code 66
An error occurred during communication (connector JX4) between
spindle and amplifier.
Troubleshooting when this alarm is issued
(a) Check the connection between the spindle and amplifier.
(b) Replace the cable.
3.4.30 Alarm Code 69
This alarm can be issued only when Dual Check Safety is in use.
The alarm occurs if, in safety signal mode C (a guard open request was
entered to open the guard), the spindle motor rotation speed exceeds
the safety speed.
Troubleshooting when this alarm is issued
(a) If the guard is open, observe the safety speed.
(b) Check the safety speed parameter.
(c) Replace the SPM control printed-circuit board.
3.4.31 Alarm Code 70
This alarm can be issued only when Dual Check Safety is in use.
The spindle amplifier connection status does not match the hardware
Troubleshooting when this alarm is issued
(a) Check the SPM connection and its setting.
(b) Replace the CPU card or SPM control printed-circuit board.
3.4.32 Alarm Code 71
This alarm can be issued only when Dual Check Safety is in use.
A safety parameter error occurred.
Troubleshooting when this alarm is issued
(a) Re-set the safety parameter.
(b) Replace the CPU card or SPM control printed-circuit board.
3.4.33 Alarm Code 72
This alarm can be issued only when Dual Check Safety is in use.
The result of the spindle amplifier speed check does not match the
result of the CNC speed check.
If the alarm occurs, replace the CPU card in the CNC or the SPM
control printed-circuit board.