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3.4.34 Alarm Code 73
The signal of the motor sensor is disconnected.
(1) If this alarm is issued when the motor is deactivated
(a) The setting of a parameter is incorrect.
Referring to "FANUC AC SPINDLE MOTOR αi series
Parameter Manual (B-65280EN)," check the parameter for
sensor setting.
(b) The cable is disconnected.
Replace the cable.
(c) The sensor is not adjusted correctly.
Adjust the sensor signal. If the sensor signal cannot be
adjusted correctly, or the sensor signal is not observed,
replace the connection cable and sensor.
(d) The SPM is faulty.
Replace the SPM or SPM control printed circuit board.
(2) If this alarm is issued when the cable is moved (as in the case
where the spindle moves)
The conductor may be broken. Replace the cable. If coolant has
penetrated into the connector, clean the connector.
(3) If this alarm is issued when the motor rotates
(a) The shielding of the cable between the sensor and the SPM is
Referring to, "Connection," in "FANUC SERVO
AMPLIFIER αi series Descriptions (B-65282EN)," check
the shielding of the cable.
(b) The signal cable is bundled with the servo motor power lead.
If the cable between the sensor and the SPM is bundled with
the servo motor power lead, separate them from each other.
3.4.35 Alarm Code 74
This alarm can be issued only when Dual Check Safety is in use.
The CPU test failed to end normally.
When this alarm is issued, Replace the SPM or SPM control printed
circuit board.
3.4.36 Alarm Code 75
This alarm can be issued only when Dual Check Safety is in use.
An error occurred in the CRC test.
When this alarm is issued, Replace the SPM or SPM control printed
circuit board.
The cable is
connected to the
pin specified in the
specifications on
the sensor side.
The cable is
connected to
pin 10 on the
SPM side.
Shielded cable
MZi or BZi sensor