Ed. Date Design Description
Date May.24.’04 esig. Apprv.
FANUC Series 30i-MODEL A
Live Tool Control With Servo Motor
2. Spindle speed control with servo motor
G96.4 P_ ; SV speed control mode ON
M03 (M04) S_ P_ ; Rotation command
S: Spindle speed [min
] (numeric value of up to five digits)
P: Spindle selection with multi-spindle control
You can turn SV speed control mode ON for each axis, using G96.4 and
a spindle selection command P.
Similarly, you can cancel SV speed control mode for each axis, using a live
tool indexing command (G96.1/G96.2) and a spindle selection P, that is, turn
position control mode ON.
Specify G96.4 P_ ; in an independent block.
-Command with a program
This function provides SV speed control mode in which spindle rotation
commands, S commands, are effective to a rotation axis with a servo motor
and position control mode in which normal positioning can be performed.
To place a servo motor under speed control, you must turn SV speed control
mode ON (G96.4). Once SV speed control mode is turned ON,
S commands are effective to the servo motor until it is canceled.
You cannot specify positioning commands while SV speed control mode is
ON. To perform positioning, you must cancel SV speed control mode.
To cancel SV speed control mode (turn position control mode ON),
you must specify a live tool indexing command, G96.1/G96.2. In position
control mode, S commands are invalid as in the normal servo axis state.
Note, however, S command information is stored; when SV speed control
mode is ON, rotation starts at the already specified speed.
-Command with a signal
You can also turn SV speed control mode ON/OFF with the SV speed
control mode signal (Gn521). When you turn SV speed control mode ON
with the signal, and if you turn SV speed control mode OFF with a program
command, you must specify the SV speed control mode signal or specify
G96.4 to turn SV speed control mode ON again.
You can check the state of SV speed control mode with the SV speed control
mode in-progress signal (Fn521).
-Speed command
(1) Spindle speed command output
Set it up in the same way as that for a normal speed command
(S command). Note, however, that you must turn SV speed control
mode ON before a rotation command (S command).
To perform positioning, cancel SV speed control mode to enter position
control mode.
The sequences with the following input signals are not required: