Supplementary explanation
It becomes spindle phase synchronous control by G51.8 command with address R. When the error
pulse difference between the two spindles is equal to or less than the value of parameter No.4810,
spindle phase synchronous control completion signal is output.
Spindle phase synchronous position is available to set at the parameter No.4034 for each master and
slave spindle. Phase shift amount that is commanded by address R in G51.8 command is valid to one
of the master spindle and the slave spindle. Which spindle that is valid phase shift was chosen from
the master spindle or the slave spindle by parameter No.4802#- SYR.
It is not available to keep synchronous condition between two spindles in spindle phase synchronous
motion (until set spindle phase synchronous control completion signal FSPPH <F044#4>to 1).
So, do not execute spindle phase synchronous control in condition of the work was clamed by both two
It is prepared the PMC DO signal F044#4 SYCAL that is effective to observe pulse difference between
two spindles in already completion mode of spindle synchronous control or spindle phase synchronous
control. This signal set to 1 on condition error difference between two spindles is equal to or above the
value of parameter No.4811 that is set absolute value of error pulse difference on master spindle side,
and the signal set to 0 if error difference is less than the value of parameter by observation error
difference of spindle synchronous control.
It is available to use constant surface control in condition of the work was clamped by both two
spindles in spindle synchronous control.
However if the change of spindle speed is generated above than time constant, the spindle speed will
change by time constant that was defined by parameter
The maximum spindle speed of synchronous control is defined by maximum spindle speed (parameter
No.4020) of master spindle.
(Example) The maximum spindle speed of master spindle : 6000rpm
The maximum spindle speed of slave spindle : 4500 rpm
In the above case, maximum spindle seed of master spindle is 6000rpm for the spindle command
12bit=4096. If you command spindle speed 6000rpm in spindle synchronous control mode, the slave
spindle become over heat alarm. So please do not command above 6000rpm for spindle speed in the
above condition.
The maximum spindle speed of spindle synchronous control become lower maximum spindle speed of
master spindle or maximum spindle speed of slave spindle by parameter No.4800#4 SYM.
Drawing No.
FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB
Spindle synchronous control