FANC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB, Spindle Synchronous Control, Specifications Additional Manual Page 7

Additional Manual
Supplementary explanation
It becomes spindle phase synchronous control by G51.8 command with address R. When the error
pulse difference between the two spindles is equal to or less than the value of parameter No.4810,
spindle phase synchronous control completion signal is output.
Spindle phase synchronous position is available to set at the parameter No.4034 for each master and
slave spindle. Phase shift amount that is commanded by address R in G51.8 command is valid to one
of the master spindle and the slave spindle. Which spindle that is valid phase shift was chosen from
the master spindle or the slave spindle by parameter No.4802#- SYR.
It is not available to keep synchronous condition between two spindles in spindle phase synchronous
motion (until set spindle phase synchronous control completion signal FSPPH <F044#4>to 1).
So, do not execute spindle phase synchronous control in condition of the work was clamed by both two
It is prepared the PMC DO signal F044#4 SYCAL that is effective to observe pulse difference between
two spindles in already completion mode of spindle synchronous control or spindle phase synchronous
control. This signal set to 1 on condition error difference between two spindles is equal to or above the
value of parameter No.4811 that is set absolute value of error pulse difference on master spindle side,
and the signal set to 0 if error difference is less than the value of parameter by observation error
difference of spindle synchronous control.
It is available to use constant surface control in condition of the work was clamped by both two
spindles in spindle synchronous control.
However if the change of spindle speed is generated above than time constant, the spindle speed will
change by time constant that was defined by parameter
The maximum spindle speed of synchronous control is defined by maximum spindle speed (parameter
No.4020) of master spindle.
(Example) The maximum spindle speed of master spindle : 6000rpm
The maximum spindle speed of slave spindle : 4500 rpm
In the above case, maximum spindle seed of master spindle is 6000rpm for the spindle command
12bit=4096. If you command spindle speed 6000rpm in spindle synchronous control mode, the slave
spindle become over heat alarm. So please do not command above 6000rpm for spindle speed in the
above condition.
The maximum spindle speed of spindle synchronous control become lower maximum spindle speed of
master spindle or maximum spindle speed of slave spindle by parameter No.4800#4 SYM.
Drawing No.
FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB
Spindle synchronous control

Contents Summary of FANC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB, Spindle Synchronous Control, Specifications Additional Manual

  • Page 1FANC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB Spindle synchronous control Specifications FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB Title Spindle synchronous control Drawing No. A-78807E Page Edit Date Design Description 1/17 Date 2004/07/02 Design K.Yamamuro Approv.
  • Page 21. Outline This function enables the synchronous control of two spindles. It also enables the control of rotation phase of a spindle, allowing non-standard workpieces as well as rods to be held by either of the two spindles. Spindle synchronous control has two control ways, ones is contoroles by PMC
  • Page 3Master spindle and slave spindle of spindle synchronous control was set in parameter No.1812 and No.1813. It is available to set 1 pair of master spindle and slave spindle that is performed spindle synchronous control on each path. PMC DO signal PSYON (F0348#0) is outputted by G51.8 command. Please
  • Page 4Spindle synchronous off by DI signal PSYRL G51.8 command PSYON PMC operation PMC operation finish (set spindle direction etc) PSYFN spindle synchronous action PSYRL Phase shift amount change in spindle synchronous control by program command G51.8 command PSYON PMC operation PMC operation finish (set
  • Page 5Starting next block command (case of the parameter No.4802#1 SYW=0) G51.8 command PSYON PMC operation PMC operation finish (set spindle direction etc) PSYFN spindle synchronous action next block command Starting next block command (case of the parameter No.4802#1 SYW=1) G51.8 command PSYON PMC opera
  • Page 6Note G51.8 and G50.8 command have to command in independently block. It is available to command without address R command. If you need to change phase shift amount in condition of spindle phase synchronous control mode, please execute G51.8 R_ command again. It it not able to use spindle synchronous
  • Page 7Supplementary explanation It becomes spindle phase synchronous control by G51.8 command with address R. When the error pulse difference between the two spindles is equal to or less than the value of parameter No.4810, spindle phase synchronous control completion signal is output. Spindle phase synch
  • Page 8It is available to command spindle speed after completion to start spindle synchronous control or spindle phase synchronous control same as S4/5 digits for master spindle. Also it is available to use PMC signal SIND, SSIN, SSGN, R01I-R12I,*SSTP,SOR etc as usual. You can control spindle speed from PM
  • Page 94. Signal Spindle synchronous control signal SPSYC [Classification] Input signal [Function] Specifies switching to spindle synchronization mode [Operation] When this signal set to 1, spindle synchronization mode is set. When this signal set to 0, spindle synchronization mode is cancelled. Note This
  • Page 10NOTE 1. When the two spindles seize the same workpiece, a spindle may be fixed at a position slightly displaced from the specified position because the two spindles are mechanically connected. In this case, an excessively high current can flow because the velocity loop integral function attempts to
  • Page 11Spindle synchronous control release signal PSYRL [Classification] Input signal [Function] Specify to release spindle synchronous control. On spindle synchronous control by program command function (G51.8), turn on this signal to release spindle synchronous control from PMC signal. [Operation] When t
  • Page 12This signal set to 0 when any of the following conditions is satisfied. The two spindles have not reached the speed corresponding to a specified spindle synchronous speed on spindle synchronization mode. The speed difference between the two spindles is greater than the value set in parameter No.4033
  • Page 13Note Even if this signal is set to 1 once, this signal is set to 0 when the speed difference becomes equal to or greater than the value set in parameter No.4033 for a cause such as cutting load variation. Phase error monitoring signal SYCAL [Classification] Output signal [Function] Posts that the er
  • Page 147 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F0044 SYCAL FSPPH FSPSY 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 F0348 PSYON Please see the parameter manual of AC spindle for the details about time chart. FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i-TB Title Spindle synchronous control Drawing No. A-78807E Page Edit Date Design Description 14/17 Date 2004/07/02 Design K.Yama
  • Page 155. Parameter 4800 SYM ND4 ND3 ND2 ND1 [Data type] Bit ND1 In controlling the spindle synchronization, the direction of the first spindle motor rotation is:. 0 : The direction indicated by the command sign. 1 : The opposite direction to that indicated by the command sign. ND2 In controlling the spind
  • Page 16SYW The next block operation of G51.8 command that is starting spindle synchronous control. 0 : It Is performed as soon as PSYFN signal was set to 1. 1 : It is performed after the synchronize is completer with spindle synchronous control and the phase matching is competed with spindle phase synchron
  • Page 174812 Maser spindle in spindle synchronous control 4813 Slave spindle in spindle synchronous control [Data type] Byte [Valid data range] 0,1 to number of spindles or m*10+n (m:1 to number of paths, n:1 to number of spindles) Set the slave spindle and master spindle for spindle synchronous control. Se