Separate packed shipping of FANUC data
server PCB for
Series 16/18-B/C and 15-B
connection method to the
CNC rack
Section 1.4 is added to chapter 1 “Series 16/18-B/C, Series 15-B” of connection part of
SERVER operator’s manual B-62694EN/03.
1.4 Connection of data server PCB
FANUC data server PCB for Series 16/18-B/C and Series 15-B was shipped in the state of installing
in the CNC unit rack. From now, the PCB is packed separately for shipping to invent the damage of
Hard Disk Drive unit while transporting. Please install the PCB to the CNC unit rack.
Installation method
Please install the data server PCB to the slot of CNC unit rack. The slot must be positioned at
the most right open slot. The PCB should be inserted to the inside of the rack, and connected
tightly to the connector of the back plane PCB. And confirm that the fucks of the faceplate of
the PCB are locked. There are two fucks.
Hard Disk Drive unit is very weak to shock. So, be careful to handle the PCB(HDD unit).