1 .FOR Series 16/l 8-B/C, Series 16i/l8i-A
A Format of List-File
A List-File that is used by List-Get, List-Put, List-Delete
functions must be composed as follows.
% ;
Nlll ;
N222 ;
N333 ;
N999 ;
(l)The top of List-File must always be a “%“.
‘I;” means EOB(End Of Block). LF, CR-LF and LF-CR-
CR can be used as EOB code. But use the same EOB
code in one List-File.)
(2)The next block must be an O-number. Please write the
same O-number as the file name.
And you can write a comment only latter than this O-
number up to EOB.
(3)Specify the O-number of NC program that you want to
operate. But in this case, the top of the file name “0”
must be changed into “N”.
In the above case, the NC programs of 00111, 00222,
00333,...,and 00999 are transferred or deleted in order.
On the O-number in the List-File, NC program number
shorter than 4 digits is compensated for 4 digits
automatically by the Data Server’s software.
(4)The end of List-File must always be a “Oh”.
These List-Get, List-Put and List-Delete functions are useful
for managing NC programs as a group.
And the place where the List-File is prepared is different
according to each function.
In case of the List-Get function, the List-File is prepared in
the Host Computer because the NC programs that you want
to transfer exist in the Host Computer.
In case of List-Put and List-Delete functions, the List-File is
prepared in the HDD because the NC programs that you
want to transfer or delete exist in the HDD.