Ed. Date Design Description
Date Sep.10.’04 Design. Apprv.
FANUC Series 30i/31i-MODEL A
Rotation Area Interference Check
1 Each interference check is performed when needed,
and it takes a processing time of 16 msec to finish
the checks on all groups. (The time can be
changed with bits 4 to 7 of parameter No. 14900.)
2 If an interference check detects interference, alarm
"OT0514 interference: +n axis" or "OT0515
interference: -n axis" is generated (where n is the
name of the axis on which the alarm is generated).
The alarm is generated on the axis along which the
group with the interference was moving. If the
alarm is generated, all CNC controlled axes in
automatic operation and in manual operation come
to a stop.
(In conventional models, the alarm may be
generated in a direction on an axis along which the
group is not moving. In this model, however, the
alarm is generated only on the axis along which the
group is moving.)
Interference check group A - Movement axes: X- and Z-axes
Rotation axis: B-axis
If, while the group is moving in the - direction along the X-axis, the group
interferes with interference check group D
Interference check group A
Interference check group B
Interference check group C
Interference check
Interference check group D
The alarm is generated in the - direction on the X-axis.