Workpiece coordinate system shift
Manual intervention, machine lock, or mirror imaging may shift the workpiece coordinate
system. Before attempting to operate the machine under the control of a program, confirm the
coordinate system carefully.
If the machine is operated under the control of a program without making allowances for any shift
in the workpiece coordinate system, the machine may behave unexpectedly, possibly damaging
the tool, the machine itself, the workpiece, or causing injury to the operator.
Software operator’s panel and menu switches
Using the software operator’s panel and menu switches, in combination with the MDI panel, it
is possible to specify operations not supported by the machine operator’s panel, such as mode
change, override value change, and jog feed commands.
Note, however, that if the MDI panel keys are operated inadvertently, the machine may behave
unexpectedly, possibly damaging the tool, the machine itself, the workpiece, or causing injury
to the user.
Manual intervention
If manual intervention is performed during programmed operation of the machine, the tool path
may vary when the machine is restarted. Before restarting the machine after manual intervention,
therefore, confirm the settings of the manual absolute switches, parameters, and
absolute/incremental command mode.
Feed hold, override, and single block
The feed hold, feedrate override, and single block functions can be disabled using custom macro
system variable #3004. Be careful when operating the machine in this case.
Dry run
Usually, a dry run is used to confirm the operation of the machine. During a dry run, the machine
operates at dry run speed, which differs from the corresponding programmed feedrate. Note that
the dry run speed may sometimes be higher than the programmed feed rate.
Cutter and tool nose radius compensation in MDI mode
Pay careful attention to a tool path specified by a command in MDI mode, because cutter or tool
nose radius compensation is not applied. When a command is entered from the MDI to interrupt
in automatic operation in cutter or tool nose radius compensation mode, pay particular attention
to the tool path when automatic operation is subsequently resumed. Refer to the descriptions of
the corresponding functions for details.
Program editing
If the machine is stopped, after which the machining program is edited (modification, insertion,
or deletion), the machine may behave unexpectedly if machining is resumed under the control
of that program. Basically, do not modify, insert, or delete commands from a machining program
while it is in use.