1910 Address conversion table value for slave 1 (ATR)
1911 Address conversion table value for slave 2 (ATR)
1912 Address conversion table value for slave 3 (ATR)
1913 Address conversion table value for slave 4 (ATR)
1914 Address conversion table value for slave 5 (ATR)
1915 Address conversion table value for slave 6 (ATR)
1916 Address conversion table value for slave 7 (ATR)
1917 Address conversion table value for slave 8 (ATR)
1918 Address conversion table value for slave 9 (ATR)
1919 Address conversion table value for slave 10 (ATR)
After these parameters have been set, the power must be
turned off then back on for the settings to become effective.
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 0 to 3, 16, 40, 48
These parameters set address conversion table values for slaves 1 to 10.
A slave is the generic name given to a device such as a servo amplifier or
separate detecter interface unit, connected to the CNC via an FSSB optical
cable. Smaller numbers, starting from 1 are assigned to slaves closer to
the CNC; the maximum number that can be assigned is 10. A two–axis
amplifier has two slaves, while a three–axis amplifier has three slaves. Set
each parameter as described below, depending on whether the slave is an
amplifier or separate detecter interface unit, or when no slave exists.
S When the slave is an amplifier:
Set the value obtained by subtracting 1 from the setting of parameter
No.1023 for the axis to which the amplifier is assigned.
S When the slave is a separate detecter interface unit:
Set 16
for the first separate detecter interface unit (closest to the CNC).
Set 48
for the second separate detecter interface unit (furthest from the
S When no slave exists
Set 40
When automatic setting mode is selected for FSSB setting
(when the FMD parameter (bit 0 of parameter No.1902) is
set to 0), parameters No.1910 through No.1919 are
automatically set when input is performed with the FSSB
setting screen. When manual setting 2 mode is selected for
FSSB setting (when the FMD parameter (bit 0 of parameter
No.1902) is set to 1), parameter No.1910 through No.1919
must be directly set.