5014 Maximum value of incremental input for tool wear compensation
[Data type] 2–word
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–B IS–C Units
Millimeter input 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch input 0.0001 0.00001 inch
[Valid data range]
Increment system IS–B IS–C
Millimeter input 0 to 999999 0 to 9999999
Inch input 0 to 999999 0 to 9999999
Set the maximum allowable value for the tool wear compensation value,
input as an incremental value. If the incremental input value (absolute value)
exceeds the set value, the following alarm or warning message is output:
Input from MDI Warning: Setting value out of range.
Input using G10 P/S alarm No.032: Offset value is out of range by
Distance (XP) betweeen reference position and X axis + contact surface
Distance (XM) betweeen reference position and X axis – contact surface
Distance (ZP) betweeen reference position and Z axis + contact surface
Distance (ZM) betweeen reference position and Z axis – contact surface
[Data type] 2–word
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–A IS–B IS–C Unit
Millimeter input 0.01 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch input 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 inch
[Valid data range] –99999999 to 99999999
These parameters are related to the function of input of tool offset value
measured B.
They set the distance (with sign) between the measurement reference
position and sensor contact surface. For an axis under diameter
programming, set it by a diameter value.