Coordinate value of stored stroke check 3 in the positive direction on each axis
Coordinate value of stored stroke check 3 in the positive direction on each axis
[Data type] 2–word axis
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–A IS–B IS–C Unit
Millimeter machine 0.01 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch machine 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 inch
Rotation axis 0.01 0.001 0.0001 deg
[Valid data range] –99999999 to 99999999
Set the coordinate values of stored stroke check 3 in the positive and
negative directions foreach axis in the machine coordinate system. The
area inside the checks set in the parameter is inhibited.
Specify diameters for any axis for which diameter
programming is specified.
1326 Coordinate value II of stored stroke check 1 in the positive direction on each axis
1327 Coordinate value II of stored stroke check 1 in the negative direction on each axis
[Data type] 2–word axis
[Unit of data]
Increment system IS–A IS–B IS–C Unit
Millimeter machine 0.01 0.001 0.0001 mm
Inch machine 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 inch
Rotation axis 0.01 0.001 0.0001 deg
[Valid data range] –99999999 to 99999999
Set the coordinate values of stored stroke check 1 in the positive and
negative directions foreach axis in the machine coordinate system.
When stroke check switching signal EXLM is ON, stroke check are
checked with parameters 1326 and 1327, not with parameters 1320 and
1321. The area outside that set by parameters 1326 and 1327 is inhibited.
1 Specify diameter values for any axes for which diameter
programming is specified.
2 These parameters are invalid if bit 2 (LMS) of parameter No.
1300 is set to 0, or if stored stroke limit switching signal
EXLM is set to 0. In such a case, the settings of parameters
No. 1320 and 1321 are used, instead.