There are two types of compensation: Types A and B. With
the skip function, the current position is stored in the CNC
according to the skip signal. However, the current position
stored in the CNC contains servo delay. The machine position
is therefore deviated by the servo delay. The deviation can be
obtained from the position deviation of the servo and the error
generated due to feedrate acceleration/deceleration
performed by the CNC. If the deviation can be compensated,
it is not necessary to include the servo delay in measurement
errors. The deviation can be compensated with the following
two types by the parameter as follows:
(1) Type A: The deviation is the value calculated from
the cutting time constant and servo time
constant (loop gain).
(2) Type B: The deviation is the error due to
acceleration/deceleration and the position
deviation when the skip signal goes on.
TSE When the torque limit skip function (G31 P99/98) is used, the skip
position held in a system variable is:
0 : Position that is offset considering the delay (positional deviation)
incurred by the servo system.
1 : Position that does not reflect the delay incurred by the servo system.
The torque limit skip function stores the current position in the
CNC when the torque limit arrival signal is turned on. However,
the current position in the CNC includes a servo system delay,
so that the position is shifted from the machine position by an
amount corresponding to the servo system delay. The value
of this shift can be determined from the servo system positional
deviation. When TSE is set to 0, a skip position is determined
by subtracting the positional deviation from the current
position. When TSE is set to 1, the current position (including
the servo system delay) is used as the skip position, without
considering any shift or position deviation.
TSA When the torque limit skip function (G31 P99/98) is used, torque limit
arrival monitoring is performed for:
0 : All axes.
1 : Only those axes that are specified in the block containing the G31
IGX When the high-speed skip function is used, SKIP (bit 7 of X004), SKIPP
(bit 6 of G006), and +MIT1 to –MIT2 (bits 2 to 5 of X004) are:
0 : Enabled as skip signals.
1 : Disabled as skip signals.