3294 Start number of tool offset values whose input by MDI is disabled
3295 Number of tool offset values (from the start number) whose input by MDI is disabled
[Data type] Word
When the modification of tool offset values by MDI key input is to be
disabled using bit 0 (WOF) of parameter No.3290 and bit 1 (GOF) of
parameter No.3290, parameter Nos. 3294 and 3295 are used to set the
range where such modification is disabled. In parameter No.3294, set the
offset number of the start of tool offset values whose modification is
disabled. In parameter No.3295, set the number of such values.
When 0 or a negative value is set in parameter No.3294 or parameter
No.3295, no modification of the tool offset values is allowed.
When the value set with parameter No.3294 is greater than the maximum
tool offset count, no modification is allowed.
The following setting disables the modification of both the tool geometry
compensation values and tool wear compensation values corresponding
to offset numbers 51 to 60:
Bit 1 (GOF) of parameter No.3290=1 (Disables tool offset value
Bit 0 (WOF) of parameter No.3290=1 (Disables tool wear compensation
value modification.)
Parameter No.3294 = 51
Parameter No.3295 = 60
If bit 0 (WOF) of parameter No.3290 is set to 0, the modification of the
tool offset values alone is disabled. The tool wear compensation values
may be modified.
#6 #5 #4 #3
#1 #0
[Data type] Bit
HCC In the VGA–compatible mode display,
0 : A 256–color bit map data of the screen hard copy is created.
1 : A 16–color bit map data of the screen hard copy is created.
HCA An alarm message related to hard copy is:
0 : Not displayed.
1 : Displayed.
HCG In a monochrome bit map,
0 : Black and white are not inverted. (same as the screen image)
1 : Black and white are inverted.
HDC A screen hard copy is:
0 : Not provided.
1 : Provided.