[Data type] Bit
MRC When a target figure other than a monotonically increasing or
monotonically decreasing figure is specified in a multiple repetitive
turning canned cycle (G71, G72):
0 : No alarm occurs.
1 : P/S alarm No.064 is occurs.
This parameter is valid for multiple repetitive turning canned
cycle type I.
QSR Before a multiple repetitive canned cycle (G70 to G73) is started, a check
to see if the program contains a block that has the sequence number
specified in address Q is:
0 : Not made.
1 : Made. (If the sequence number specified in address Q cannot be
found, an alarm occurs and the canned cycle is not executed.)
F16 When the Series 10/11 format is used (with bit 1 (FCV) of parameter
No.0001 set to 1), a canned drilling cycle is specified using :
0 : Series 10/11 format
1 : Series 21 format. (However, the number of repetitions is specified
using address L.)
RFC For the semifinish figure of G71 or G72 and for a cutting pattern of G73,
tool–nose radius compensation is:
0 : Not performed.
1 : Performed.
K0E When K0 is specified in a hole machining canned cycle (G80 to G89):
0 : Hole machining is performed once.
1 : Hole machining is not performed. Instead, the hole machining data is
merely memorized.
RAB The R command for the drilling canned cycle in the Series 10/11 format is:
0 : Regarded as an incremental command
1 : Regarded as:
An absolute command in the case of G code system A
An absolute command in the case of G code system B or C when the
G90 mode is specified.
An incremental command in the case of G code system B or C when
the G91 mode is specified.
RDI The R command for the drilling canned cycle in the Series 10/11 format:
0 : Is regarded as the specification of a radius
1 : Follows the specification of a diameter/radius for the drilling axis