No. Data type Parameters for SUB spindle if the spindle switch function is provided
(No.4176 to 4283)
4176 Bit Bit parameter
4177 Bit Bit parameter
4178 Bit Bit parameter
4179 Bit Bit parameter
4180 Bit Bit parameter
4181 Bit Bit parameter
4182 Bit Bit parameter
4183 Bit Bit parameter
4184 Bit Bit parameter
4185 Bit Bit parameter
4186 Bit Bit parameter
4187 Bit Bit parameter
4188 Bit Bit parameter
4189 Bit Bit parameter
4190 Bit Bit parameter
4191 Bit Bit parameter (Cannot be changed by the user. See Note 1.)
4192 Bit Bit parameter
4193 Bit Bit parameter
4194 Bit Bit parameter
4195 Bit Bit parameter (For setting parameters automatically. See Note 2.)
4196 Word Maximum motor speed
4197 Word Speed arrival detection level
4198 Word Speed detection level
4199 Word Speed zero detection level
4200 Word Torque limit value
4201 Word Load detection level 1
4202 Word Output limit pattern
4203 Word Output limit value
4204 Word Position coder method orientation stop position
4205 Word Spindle orientation speed
4206 Word Normal velocity loop proportional gain (HIGH)
4207 Word Normal velocity loop proportional gain (LOW)
4208 Word Velocity loop proportional gain during orientation (HIGH)
4209 Word Velocity loop proportional gain during orientation (LOW)
4210 Word Velocity loop proportional gain in servo mode (HIGH)
4211 Word Velocity loop proportional gain in servo mode (LOW)
4212 Word Normal velocity loop integral gain
4213 Word Velocity loop integral gain during orientation
4214 Word Velocity loop integral gain in servo mode
4215 Word
4216 Word Gear ratio (HIGH)
4217 Word Gear ratio (LOW)