Specify the maximum cutting feedrate for each axis in the AI look–ahead
control mode or look–ahead control mode.
A feedrate for each axis is clamped during cutting feed so that it does not
exceed the maximum cutting feedrate specified for each axis.
1 This parameter is effective only in linear and circular
interpolation. In cylindrical interpolation, the maximum
feedrate for all axes specified in parameter No.1431 is
2 If a setting for each axis is 0, the maximum feedrate specified
in parameter No.1431 is applied to all axes and the feedrate
is clamped at the maximum feedrate.
3 In a mode other than the AI look–ahead control mode or
look–ahead mode, the maximum cutting feedrate specified
in parameter No.1422 or No.1430 is applied and the
feedrate is clamped at the maximum feedrate.
Change of feedrate for one graduation on the manual pulse generator during F1
digit feed
[Data type] Byte
[Valid data range] 1 to 127
Set the constant that determines the change in feedrate as the manual pulse
generator is rotated one graduation during F1-digit feed.
F +
(where, i=1 or 2)
In the above equation, set n. That is, the number of revolutions of the
manual pulse generator, required to reach feedrate Fmaxi is obtained.
Fmaxi refers to the upper limit of the feedrate for an F1-digit feed
command, and set it in parameter 1460 or 1461.
Fmax1: Upper limit of the feedrate for F1 to F4 (parameter 1460)
Fmax2: Upper limit of the feedrate for F5 to F9 (parameter 1461)